
Pokemon & Me!


First game: Black

First starter: Tepig

First shiny: Dugtrio (X/Y). Her name is Morga!


Fav Pokémon: Banette, Espeon

Fav spin-off: Mystery Dungeon! But I also really like Pokepark

Fav Shiny: Dragonair, Mew/ditto

Fav Starter: Cyndaquil

Fav Legendary: Raikou and Reshiram

Fav Mythical: Shaymin, Deoxys, and Darkrai

Fav Type: Normal, Psychic

Fav Pokéball: Premier, Moon

Questions adapted from I am an Ace trainer!

Personality quiz results

I am an Ace trainer! Asexuals rise up!! I am Bulbasaur!
Your Eevee will evolve into...
Espeons love basking in the sun and are the most powerful when doing so. As a Psychic type Pokemon, Espeons are very strong and protective of their trainers. Its forked tail quivers when predicting the future.
Your Eevee will evolve into...