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Simple Shrine

"These beautiful polychrome woodblock prints are Meiji era copies (ca. 1900) of original designs (ca. 1771) by Itō Jakuchū (1716–1800), a Japanese painter of the mid-Edo period notable for his striking modern aesthetic."

The images used in this template are "A White Mackaw" and "Red Parrot on the Branch of a Tree"

They are sourced from the Public Domian Image Archive.

Adding more text to make the box the same size as the image

Title: "A White Mackaw"

Artist: Itō Jakuchū

Date: ca. 1900

Polychrome Woodblock Print

You can put whatever you want in these three boxes
Images or text or what have you. You can also delete a box by deleting it in the html file.
The more text you put in them, the longer they get! Or you can set the height manually in the css file by changing height:auto; to height: NUMBERpx;
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